Trying for some semblance of sense during a very difficult time.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Chapter Three

I am probably as close to what you could call normal as I've been in years.

I can think rationally, there have been no real emotional spikes...
and things have been going well. Beau came in from Calgary for a visit.
It was nice to feel that I'm not as detached from my old life as I thought.

My feelings haven't really changed, I still think about things in the same way, but the medication is making them easier to deal with. The intense flood of emotions is over, thankfully. It was really overwhelming. Only a month ago I couldn't think at all, my brain was all over the place. I couldn't handle things, and was lashing out on impulses.

The worst part was that when I was in one of these episodes,
I couldn't think any other way. I couldn't recognize that they were happening,
and it was probably one of the worst times of my life.

Things are getting better.
It's been hard though.

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